Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom

I don't know if my mom reads my blog. I don't even know if she knows I have a blog. But, I'm going to post this for her anyway, because I love her and it's her birthday. So, everyone else out there, you don't have to read this if you don't want to, unless you wanna know about how awesome my mom is.

Mom, I could not even begin to list all of the reasons you're one of my favorite people. So, I picked five of them.

1. I know how important the Gospel is in your life. You let me see you reading your scriptures and saying your prayers. Thank you for that example.

2. You're one of the most surprisingly competitive people I know. I don't think many people would would guess this about you, until they start to play a game with you. I think it's fun.

3. You can't watch the end of a BYU football game if there are only five minutes left and the score is within seven. I can't count the number of games you have left the room, left the stadium, or sat down and hid your eyes so you didn't have to watch.

4. You're one of my best friends. If I don't call you everyday I get a message asking why not.

5. You have great taste in shoes. I know if I open a shoe box from you that I'm going to love them. If only we wore the same size...

I love you mom. Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

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Just makes me happy

Pre Blessed Meals

Our newest million dollar idea. Katie and I went to my grandparents' house to watch the BYU vs Utah (Go Cougars!) game this weekend. The Elders were also there as one was a huge BYU fan. My grandma had reheated Thanksgiving dinner for us to enjoy as we watched the game. We wondered if we had to say a prayer before eating since the Elders were over. Grandma said it had already been blessed at least once so we didn't need to. Katie and I thought this was brilliant. Pre blessed dinners. Think about all the time this would save during dinner. No more waiting for the family to gather, no more fights about who has to say the prayer this time, no more laughing during the blessing (mom)...
We're pretty excited to market this one.

I'm Officially a Convert...

...To the Tim Tam Slam. I first heard of these amazing cookies from Jessica- a friend I met on my study abroad. She told me of their delicousness and asked me to look for them when I took a detour to London. Alas, they were nowhere to be found there. And now, two and a half years later, they have been brought to the United States by our friends at Pepperidge Farm. I had been told the only way to eat these cookies was by performing the Tim Tam Slam.

Instructions: Bite off both ends of the Tim Tam, use it as a straw to suck up your hot chocolate, and shove the gooey mess into your mouth as soon as the hot chocolate hits your lips.

Katie, who doesn't like soggy things, was skeptical. We tried it together over Thanksgiving break. She described it as warm, chocolate cake. I highly recommend it. And I highly recommend the caramel flavor to do so.