Monday, June 13, 2011

Reason #714 Why My Mom Rocks

My mom and my sister-in-law came to visit me last week and brought my darling niece along with them. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures to document, but I'm 110% sure that my mom did. Anyway, my mom loves me so she likes to bring me things when she comes and visits. This was the latest addition...

 I was pretty pleased with how the final product turned out, although next time I won't display it on this plate. But still, pretty awesome. Thanks Mom!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

If You Ain't Dirrrty

You are so not here to party. And we were there to party. Running/walking a 5k through mud and obstacles? Yes, please.

 Pre race. Us and the Biebs.
 Getting ready to cross the finish line.

Post race. We weren't allowed to get as close to the Biebs in this one.

And for those of you who want to actually experience the race with us...

I'm Back

I know I've taken a serious hiatus from blogging these days. Apparently life got in the way, but I do have a few things to catch up on. First of all- shout out to Shelby- you there Shelbs? I'm counting on you to be one of my few followers. Second, remember that one time we all went to Florida and it was awesome? I just want to post a few pics so I can reminisce, and so I can make you all jealous.

 I just want to go back. Anyone else in?

Thursday, April 7, 2011


This video is absurd. This is not the way we did ballet class. I'm stuck between trying not to cringe when I watch it and being insanely jealous that I can't do any of this. Enjoy.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Time Managment

Last semester my work schedule was MWF afternoons. Work was always crazy. Most people see the therapists three times a week so we were always busy. This semester I work TTH mornings. Slowest days ever. Seriously, this morning I treated two people. In 6 hours. It takes about 20 minutes to treat one patient. You may wonder what I do with the rest of my time. Well, the list usually includes things like laundry, cleaning, walking around trying to look busy...
Occasionally our supervisor will come up with a special project to fill our time. The most recent was making copies of the therapist information sheet and using a paper cutter to cut them in half. I was sitting at the desk cutting my three papers at a time when the following conversation happened.

Dan: You know I've found the paper cutter can handle about 7 sheets at a time.
Me: Really? Do you wanna separate those copies into piles for me then?
Dan: Sure.

He starts to divide the copy pile into stacks of 7 sheets for me to cut. I continue taking three at a time from his stacks and cutting them.
I don't mean to be lazy. I really don't. I don't want to be a slacker employee, but when I have to fill 5 hours and 20 minutes with things to do other than what I was hired for...I'm gonna keep cutting three sheets at a time.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Rise and Shout

So, sometime in December I went with my friend Nick to a dinner for his law firm. The conversation when he invited me went something like this...

Nick: So, the firm I'm working for this summer is having a dinner this weekend, and I was wondering if you might come.
Me: Yeah, that sounds great.
Nick: I should probably tell you where it is before you agree to anything.
Me: It's at the U isn't it?
Nick: Well, yeah. It's in the press box at Rice Eccles Stadium.

So now I really do have to think about it. I mean, I hate Utah, with a passion. The whole reason I hate them is because of their football team. And now he wants me to go to a dinner at their stadium? Fortunately he followed with, "We can bring BYU paraphernalia and 'decorate' the stadium if you want to,"

Sold. I bought BYU stickers the next day.

Turns out trying to sneak around the press box at a football stadium and place stickers anywhere and everywhere without being seen by the other hundred people there is kind of fun.

 I don't know why this was so entertaining, but it really was.

If you ever have to go to the U, I hope you take BYU stickers with you. It will make the experience bearable. And also kinda fun.