Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Seriously Miss Them

So, my brother Scott, his wife Katie, and their daughter Sarah spent about three and a half months living with my parents this summer. About a week and half ago they decided they had had enough and decided to go back to Texas. Ok, really they had to go back since Scott is starting his third year of law school (yay!). Either way, I seriously miss them. Conversations here just haven't been as funny since they left.

Katie to Scott: If I were going to eat you, I wouldn't stuff you full of cookies.
Scott: What would you stuff me full of?
Katie: Um, peanut butter?

Scott: Oh yeah, we used to go there to watch movies. Throw out some blankets, move the tables...
Mom: Blind kids?!?
Scott: No mom, blankets. Blind kids? That wouldn't be very nice.
Mom: You're the one throwing blind kids and making them move tables.

Oh and also, Katie taught me several more useful words in sign language to add to my small repertoire- shark, whale, dolphin, dinosaur, and Hitler.

Scott and Katie- please come back...

1 comment:

  1. Melanie,
    I love that you have the most random blog ever. Plus, I love that it is hilarious and dripping with Melanie-wit. Even more so, I love that I'm in it! I laughed so hard when I read your entries thus far. Well, as loud as you can laugh in a public library without attracting attention. I'm your first fan.

    Miss you too, darling.
